PR Campaign
A PR campaign can include many elements, but the main driver of such a campaign is to get your story “out there.” In order to launch your PR initiative and promote greater awareness of your story, we would create a news-worthy press release about your event or news item. We are highly experienced in crafting quality press releases to grab the attention of a reporter, editor, or publisher. Each press release might require a different audience so we would also develop a tailored media list for your story. Such a tailored list could be local, regional, national, or even international. Once we distribute the press release to the media we always follow-up by phone to “pitch” your story to ensure a higher pick-up rate. We will also liaise with the media to ensure all photo and interview requests with you are fulfilled. To finalize a PR campaign, we provide metrics on the success of your story so that you can adequately determine the return on your investment.