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Living in Lynchburg


Moving from a little beach town in Delaware to mountainous Lynchburg, Virginia was quite the game-changer for my perspective on life. If you’re familiar with Lynchburg, you know that the town is not the biggest tourist attraction. With little to do around town and a broke-college-student budget, Lynchburg taught me ways to get creative and make the most out of what was available to me.  

1. Get in touch with nature

Although Lynchburg doesn’t have the best shopping mall or upbeat downtown life, it has so much to offer for the nature lover and outdoors-y type. From mountains to hike for a beautiful view; several trails to walk, run, or bike; and even waterfalls, Lynchburg is a great place to find an appreciation for Earth and our environment. When I’m away at school, I will often find myself running on a trail through a beautiful rock tunnel that water seeps through, momentarily creating an almost completely-serene environment; or overlooking the top of Sharptop mountain after a hike.

2. It’s free to talk to other people

I have found a deeper interest in interpersonal communication than I had before going away to school. Not that I didn’t share these types of relationships before college, but now I have a greater gratitude for them. I have met some of the best friends I have ever had at Lynchburg, and the best part is – these friendships were formed around conversation and laughter, rather than through spending money on doing different activities together. My friends and I find fulfillment in sitting in the living room talking for hours (and even not talking) about any and everything. We’ll occasionally watch television or play a game, but most of the time we just simply enjoy the presence of each other. In today’s society of cell phones and social media, having face-to-face conversation is totally underrated.

3. Find new interests and learn new things about yourself

Of course, it isn’t the case that Lynchburg offers absolutely nothing to do. It’s just different, but I have learned different is okay. I have tried many new things in Lynchburg that have attributed to who I am today. I focus more of my time on the little things. I found out I really enjoy fishing, surprisingly. I take more time for myself and focus on being healthier, overall.

Ultimately, a change in location brought a change in my lifestyle. It has had its challenging moments, as well as rewarding. True to the cliché, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without taking the step to move away for college.

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